It’s Town Meeting Day- and a Day to Celebrate!

Another Town Meeting will be starting in less than 2 hours and I have decided to go. It’s a right I have, I pay ridiculous taxes (in my opinion) for what I have, and our town is looking for a 2 million dollar increase! How the hell do people do this?

On a much happier note, I reached out yesterday via email and sent my apologies to someone I needed to mend fences with. We won’t be continuing a friendship, but my words were accepted. That was a nerve wracking wait- but it was well received and things are good. I was told I over-think and that an apology was not needed. Well, maybe I am, but as I age, I want to be free of the past weights. I don’t want to grow old with regret or negative energy.

So, my words to you- if you feel you need to contact someone, do it. It doesn’t have to be beneficial for them (but I bet it will be after they take time to think things over). Who wants to carry around heavy, weighted, unresolved issues? Not me. The timing works for you- BE BRAVE!! Make those steps count for you because YOU MATTER ~

It is a beautiful Spring day here- the sun is bright, the snow is melting fast, and I may find myself, after Town Meeting, on my porch soaking up some rays and knitting a pair of socks- Enjoy your day and hey, thanks for stopping by.

Always Finding Ways to be a Better Person

Change is good-

I had a conversation quite a while ago, and it was determined that the past was to stay in the past and from that point forward, all involved were to not drudge it along to continue to create negativeness.

Just recently, a conversation happened and I realized that the “bag of doom” was still being carried. An event happened recently and sadly, my side of the family was not invited to attend. How am I to make something good come from this when it all hurts to my core? Ever have those days where you are in a row boat on the ocean? Yea…. I have them often.

Anyway, one of the persons I had conversation many moons ago, had stopped by- and we had a good conversation- then another came and more conversation happened. The following day, I was informed of an event that had happend, and no one from my side of the family had been invited. It was made very clear to me when I asked questions about the event a few days later, that it was uncomfortable for the person I was talking with. I stayed calm, asked pertinent questions, and you all need to know, I am no dummy when it comes to reading body language. Hence, why I like to ‘see’ certain people when conversing as it is really easy to not be totally honest when it comes to technology. I had all my questions answered and promptly left the conversation. To the surprise of the other person, they had to ask questions as to why I left the conversation. Hmmmm- It was explained clearly that feelings were hurt. I am not sure of the words used, but I did receive a hug before that person left, one I didn’t have to ask for.

I am in hopes that someday the reins will be lessened and that the stallion can ride free and have the opportunity to spend time with the herd. I will keep loving, caring, and making my life more positive. The ache in my heart is filled with someone else’s deceit and unfairness – and I know life isnt fair. I can handle that. What hurts the most is that trust in their word isn’t there and isn’t even in the other persons vision. I guess its trust. Common decency~ maybe that’s what it is. I am not sure.

I am looking for ways to resolve the hurt (because I am sure it will continue) so that I can move forward with little additions coming in the next few months. Processing situations helps. Could I have done something different? Probably- leaving a conversation open-ended seemed the best for me. I didn’t get sucked in, my questions were answered, and I encouraged thought for the other party. I think it was a win. Now mind you, I am not gloating, nor am I keeping score- nothing good comes from it, but if a seed was planted (and I think there was), it will grow.

Time is necessary, and I do have that. So, in the mean time, I look to better myself. I have hope~

What do you have if you didn’t have hope? Thanks for stopping by~ Until next time:


Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I want to take a bit of your time and introduce you to two amazing creatures. This is Tippy and Cinder. They are the best of friends. 

Tippy came into our home as a Senior Project for my son. Tippy was going to be trained to hunt rabbits- except that he was afraid of the gun shot so  he became my lap dog. When we lost Tippy’s first dog playmate, he was very lethargic, lacked motivation, and I feel he was depressed. My husband works at a dairy farm and had seen this gray cat around for a couple of weeks and decided to bring her home. That was all Tippy needed! A friend <3. These two have been the best of partners.

We recently had to put Tippy down as he was not fairing well. Inside he was still very much a pup, but his body was not up to the task. Truth be known, I believe he had some kind of cancer, but at 13 years old, he lived a very good life. Who else gets to have a recliner with their best friend?

Of course this was taken a year or so ago, when he was able to jump into my chair. 

The reason for this blog post, and I believe in my heart:  we can learn from any living being. Two strangers put together to coexist become instant friends- accepting each other without bias.

Life is short. You are the only one who is responsible for your happiness. Make your life acceptable to you. 

During Tippy’s last days, Cinder tried really hard to get him to play. She would skitter past him, missing running into him by centimeters, rubbing up to his chin then giving him a soft cuff on the nose and running off. To no avail. He did not have what it took to play. She accepted that and laid with him by the wood stove whenever she knew he needed her. 

In closing for today, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are spending time with the ones you love and hold dear. Reap the benefits of love and happiness. Open your heart to more accepting and caring. Love like Tippy and Cinder- unconditionally and true. It makes your heart light. 

Oh- and it’s fine to be a bit on the silly side sometimes- that too will make a lighter heart.  Happy Thanksgiving~